We found our dream home!
- RV Living
- What's new with me?

In April of 2021 we sold everything we owned, including our home and went full time on the road in our fifth wheel. The experience has been everything I had hoped it would be. Our time together as a family and the memories we’ve made will stay with us forever. If you haven’t been following along on our journey you should check out the RV Living page. BUT, this season of our life is coming to an end because we just bought our dream home!
Our plan had always been to find some land and build. Well as we learned more details about the costs associated we knew it wasn’t a good option for us. We were pretty disappointed but we were excited to start looking at existing homes on the market but also a little leery of trying to compete in the crazy DFW market. We’ve heard horror stories about people putting in dozens of offers before finally winning a bid, we didn’t want to go through the heartbreak of falling in love with a home and being rejected. We started the hunt and within a couple of days we had found a home we loved, put in an offer and were under contract!
We close in a week and the process has been very smooth, but you probably want to know more about the house itself.

It’s a beautiful home that’s all on one level (something we really wanted). It sits on 1 acre and even has a couple of trees. We’re incredibly excited to have a pool and hot tub again, it’s something we’ve really missed since selling our home. I’m looking forward to enjoying the outdoor space and getting a nice tan. We have plans to get a large play set for Lil for the back yard so her and her cousins and friends can all play together.
One of the things I’m most looking forward to is replacing all of the stuff we sold when we moved into the RV. We’re looking forward to hunting for furniture that we love to fill out the house. I’m also really looking forward to furnishing the outdoor spaces to make them as cosy as possible. We also have a few renovation projects that we’re planning to start as soon as we close on the house including new flooring, painting cabinets, replacing countertops and installing lots of new ceiling fans. Once we complete those tasks I’m going to meet with a home theater company to begin the process of building out the media room. I’m really hopeful that I’ll end up with the home theater of my dreams!
I’m thankful that things have worked out the way they have. A month ago I wouldn’t have imagined that we would be heading back to Texas 4 months earlier than we had planned. I wouldn’t have thought I would be so ready to put an end to our travels. But I’m so ready. I have no sadness about ending our RV days. I’m so excited for the future!