Reflecting on Stop 3 – Wisconsin Dells, WI
- RV Living

If there was any doubt that this RV lifestyle was perfect for us Wisconsin Dells put an end to it. We had an incredible time despite some pretty significant challenges. The town was more than we could have imagined; so many cool shops and restaurants, water parks. I can’t believe you don’t hear more people talking about it.
One of the highlights of the trip was our ride on the “Ducks”, these land/water craft that were used in WWII. I’ll admit that I was white-knuckling it several times as we sped a little too quickly from land into the water. It was a unique experience that I’ll never forget. Lil absolutely loved it too 😉

We ended up spending a bit more time there than we planned after Crys ended up suffering an episode of sciatica. It was very difficult, we ended up having to call an ambulance because we couldn’t get her out of the bed. I never want to go through that again. Thankfully once they got her pain meds the pain eased off enough for her to move. Over the next couple of weeks the pain gradually decreased and while she’s still very much not back to normal there are signs of improvement. It put a damper on our plans but we still managed to do so much. I’m very thankful.
We really fell in love with Country Roads RV Park. At first we didn’t feel welcomed but that wore off after a day or so. A good portion of the time the park was fairly empty; that combined with all of the huge pine trees made for a very scenic front yard.

There was even a cool little cigar shop downtown that I checked out a couple of times. It’s always fun to find cool little brick and mortar shops like this with a decent selection.

We ate so much great food on this trip… literally some of the best pizza we’ve ever had, twice! Some good drinks, too! Check out Lil’s face when she got a bottle of boutique root beer haha!
I’m starting to realize just how meaningful this time is for us as a family. I’m already aware that this is likely one of the highlights of our entire lives. I don’t want it to end. Any longing we have for the convenience we had with our sticks and bricks is quickly disappearing as we begin to understand the beauty of life on the road. There are negatives, for sure, but ask me how much they bother me.
Lil’s been able to meet a couple of kids along the way as well which has really made Crys and I happy. I’m hoping as we continue west and focus on finding parks that are geared towards families this will happen more and more.
Wisconsin is a beautiful place, one I could see us living in, but we’re not quite ready for that yet. There’s so much more country to see, so many towns to explore, so many shops to browse before deciding not to buy anything because we don’t have room in the RV. 🙂 The struggle is real, folks!