First trip to Arizona
- Vacation

Well, well, well… A few things have happened since my last posting, mainly my trip to Southern Arizona to see my Dad, stepmom, and brother. I left town on Friday, March 8th at 12:35 pm from Indianapolis International Airport to arrive at Sun Watch International Airport in Phoenix Arizona at 2:30 or so their time.
I had visited Santa Fe and Albuquerque New Mexico before so I knew pretty much what the area was going to look like. I had a good time hanging out with Dad, and watching LOTS of movies. We actually took one day while I was their and went to a local theater and watched 3 movies right in a row, they were A Beautiful Mind, 40 Days and 40 Nights, and The Mothman Prophecies. We pretty much walked out of each one and back into another one. It was great.
Aside form my trip to AZ, there is not a lot that is new with me OR Kristen. I am getting ready to make another big payment on our cruise, so it is slowly but surely getting paid off. I am more excited about that cruise than I have ever been excited about anything!
Well, I guess I will leave it at that for now.