We’re moving into a 5th wheel

We’re moving into a 5th wheel

We’re really doing it. We’re getting rid of the home, the stuff, the junk that we’ve accumulated over the last few years. It has been an amazing few years, though. We’ve achieved so much more  than we ever dreamed and we’re about to achieve something I couldn’t have imagined. We’re going tiny.

Less than a week ago we found out that we lost our first successful pregnancy. It was a disappointment we really didn’t expect. If that weren’t hard enough Crys also had a terrifying medical emergency as a result of complications from the miscarriage. After an early morning visit to the ER and a day of recovery from the events of the past few days, something happened. We watched this video.

The idea of “Less Junk, More Journey” hit us both. Hard. It gave a great outline of how to get started with a full-time RV lifestyle, and it was fun! Crys and I were so intrigued. We want to feel like we’re living and not waiting to live.  2020 was a rough year. Covid, being trapped inside, no traveling had left me in a very fragile mental state. I’ve been burying myself in work as it has been one of my only real outlets. But inside, I was dying. I was born to explore, I thrive in change. Crys loves traveling too, but she doesn’t need it the same way I do.

Crys showed me an RV model she had previously researched, the hunt began. We found a local lot that had it and stock and planned to go look at it the next day. “We’re not buying anything tomorrow” were words that came out of Crys’ mouth near the end of that conversation before we went to sleep for the night. I fell asleep with more hope than I’ve had in a very long time.

3/14/21 – The RV wasn’t what I had expected, a little cheaper and less character than I expected. We looked at another, it was a little better but not quite something we would want to live in. Then there was the Sanibel. It was awesome and it got both of us immediately excited.

We sat inside alone and talked for some time. I was so conflicted. Just about a year ago dad, Joene and Austin moved to Texas to be close to us and it means a lot to me. I didn’t want to decide, on a whim, that we were going to hit the road and leave them behind. That was the only thing keeping me from hitting the road as soon as possible. Then it hit me; “What if we parked here locally so we’re still here the majority of the time but we’re also able to travel whenever we want to?” It’s not often that I have an idea that Crys hasn’t already thought of, this was one of those times and I could see her light up.

We decided we were going to put down a deposit to buy the Sanibel. We might change our minds but at least we’d be able to get the RV if we decided we were ready to jump in. A thousand dollars later our journey began, officially.

That night was an uncomfortable mixture of excitement and trepidation. Crys shared so much of her heart and in some ways it helped heal some of the pain I’ve been feeling over the last year. She doesn’t like how unhappy I’ve been any more than I do and her biggest concern, and mine, is that this change won’t really help anything. Maybe I’ll still be depressed even after we make this life-changing decision? Her reflection of my state of mind and how it effects her really struck a chord with me. I don’t want to be unhappy and I don’t want to make her unhappy either. It filled me with hope and I’m still not sure why. Something changed that night even though it wasn’t full of the bliss that spontaneity normally brings.

We decided to watch some more of the Less Junk More Journey videos and ended up finding another RV model that we LOVED. It appeared to be even more perfect than the Sanibel. Enter the Cedar Creek 377BH.

We were in love with it. Better storage space, better design, just better. We had to see it in person. After talking to Chris again we were able to locate a model in the exact color we wanted. They didn’t have it on the lot, but they had just sold one in a different color and said we could come walk through it to make sure we liked it more. We did. 3/16/21

We met with a realtor friend to sort out the final piece of the puzzle. If our house wouldn’t sell for enough to make it worthwhile we would probably forfeit our deposit and stay put until it was a better financial decision. It was great news, this house that we paid $241,000 for three years ago is now going to be listed for sale at $320,000. We could possibly profit around $75,000 if we’re able to sell it at list price. We were all set, there was just one more thing to do, tell the family.

Reactions were mixed, most seemed to think we are crazy, but that’s nothing new. I was most worried about dad and Joene and they took it amazingly! They were excited for us and I get the sense that in some ways it set them free to decided what their next steps are. I’m happy about that. I love them being here but I mostly want them to be happy.

With that behind us we’re truly ready to move forward and commit to this change! We’re in a mad dash to get the house ready to list by April 1st, just about two weeks. We have to figure out what we’re selling, what we’re taking and what we’re putting in storage and as I sit here in the middle of the office writing this, instead of sorting things, I can feel the accumulation of the last few years. We’ve masked our pain with stuff and I’m ready to shed it again.

Some imagery provided by Unsplash.

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