I Will Wait on You
- Guitar Videos
- Vidcast

I’m here, I’m waiting, show me where you want me to go
I want to get this show on the road, and I’m ready now
I’m here, still waiting, in case you didn’t hear me before
My feet are walking out of this door, ready or not
But then you speak, be still, be quiet, I’m God.
It is not time, be still, be quiet, I’m God.
I’m really getting tired of waiting
I’m God
Okay, I’ll stay here, until your work is finished in me
It’s really hard for me to see what you’re doing now
Okay, is it time yet? Have you finished what you started before?
My feet are walking out of this door, ready or not
But my God, I’m truly ready to start
And you’ve done amazing things in my heart
Can’t you grow me more along the way?
Time is wasting, can’t we leave today?
My heart seeks to give you praise, why can’t we go?
My child just wait patiently
I’m doing things that you just can’t see
I am your God, and you know I love you so
It’s here, I’m humbled, it’s better than I thought it would be!
I can’t believe how you’re using me for your glory
I’ll be here, I’ll be waiting, doing what you’ve called me to do
My feet are planted firmly on you, my Lord
My Child, you’ve never been closer to me
And this time though painful was necessary
So the next time wont you trust me
And just know how much I love thee
Have faith, be still, trust me, I’m God