Re-remembering God's Promises
- Devotional

20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. – II Corinthians 1:20
I’m the type of person that has to re-learn things quite frequently. I’m sure journaling would help, but for whatever reason I tend to learn/realize something which helps me through circumstances I’m in only to forget it and rediscover it later. Lately it has been happening a lot. One day I’ll remember that God has a plan and I’m right in the middle of it and I delight in that truth, then the next day I’ll spend half the day at a heightened state of anxiety only to remember that same truth again late that day, or maybe the next.
I trust I’m not alone on this, but I’ve been pondering why I do this to myself. Why, when I remember or discover these amazing, truly life-saving truths don’t I find a way to retain them, forever? I’ve even considered getting a tattoo recently just to place an indelible mark that will (hopefully) constantly remind me of the Amazing God who loves me and wants me to love Him. All because it’s far too important that I not forget His promises and provision. Not right now.
So what are some of these truths that have been so valuable to me personally? I’d love to share a few of them.
- My Father loves me too much to allow me to stay in circumstances that draw me further away from Him. Most of us have heard God referred to as the Potter who shapes and molds us throughout our lives in preparation of Heaven. Recently I heard a pastor talking about the tools of a potter and how they’re sharp, rough, even unsightly. However, what they produce is undoubtedly beautiful. I can testify that it’s through the most painful experiences in life that God is able to make the most drastic – and beautiful – changes in us.
- When God has a plan for you, He’ll equip you to fulfill it. It’s unbelievable how easy it is to doubt the calling God has placed on your life. I’ve had confirmation upon unmistakable confirmation and still sometimes doubt that God is truly going to do all of the things He’s allowed me to glimpse. If you can look back over the history of your life and see an area where God has gifted you, or even a new direction God is taking you, and you’ve confirmed it through prayer and reading, follow Him!
- God works all things for the good for those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. I hope you don’t see this verse (Romans 8:28) and roll your eyes. This is an amazing promise, but also a call to fix our eyes on Jesus. It’s important to remember that “all things to the good” isn’t a guarantee of no bad days or even terrible ones. It’s a promise that no matter what you experience, no matter what you have to go through, God already has a plan to use those experiences to mold you and move you towards becoming the ultimate instrument of His praise.
So, fellow forgetters of God’s promises, let’s press on! Let’s commit to finding ways, minute by minute, to remember His love and provision for us! When you’re hurting, when you need Him most, search for and cling to those promises in His Word. He’ll be glorified and you will be filled with joy, even in the midst of suffering. I promise.