- Devotional

I had good intentions. It was about 5am and I had managed to drag myself out of bed and throw on a pair of jogging pants and a sweatshirt. It was the start of a new commitment, again. I had committed to getting up early and getting some exercise and trying to reign control over my eating and health habits.
I had my music playing through my headphones the whole time, I was really trying to focus on Him and listening to anything He might have to say. Nothing. I walked for about thirty minutes and didn’t hear Him say anything. I was really “enjoying” my walk, and it felt great to make a healthy choice but what I wanted more than anything was a sweet time of worship and conversation with my Daddy.
I had been fiddling with my in-ear headphones the whole time and at this point one of them fell out. I was getting really frustrated… I stopped walking and went to put the earpiece back in and I heard it… It was pitch black outside and I heard the beautiful, dare I forfeit my man card and say cute, sound of a bird chirping. It wouldn’t have been a big deal but it was 29 degrees and 6 o-clock in the morning. At that moment I realized that God was with me the whole time… but I was drowning him out with my tried-and-true method for approaching Him, music. It got me thinking, and Him speaking.
I don’t know about you guys, but I find myself longing for God’s presence quite a lot. I almost ache for it. I want to feel Him in the room, I want to see Him moving in my circumstances. I want Him. But today I was left wondering if maybe I’m trying to approach Him in ways that are different than how He wants to meet with me. Maybe I’ll actually have to make the choice to withdraw myself from the monotony of every day life and set aside time with Him?
Maybe you need to do the same? Do you need to show God that need him enough to approach Him on His terms? Do you need to carve out time from your busy schedule? Not because you have to, but because He’s worth it? He is.