New job, school about to begin

New job, school about to begin

After 6 fruitful and fulfilling months at I’ve accepted a position at a company in California! The company is MemoryTen ( and they are the world’s largest memory store. I’ll be working as a web developer (of course) and it’s going to be a wonderful fit. I’ve been doing some minor contract work for the company over the last few months so I’ve had a taste of what they do and I’m looking forward to the new position. I’ll continue to work from home so there shouldn’t be much of a change in that regard.

Kristen is also preparing to start school for the year. It has been a really wonderful summer having her here during the day with me while I’m working. Even though we don’t really interact much while I’m working it’s just nice to have her in the house. She’s also registered to start talking classes towards her masters degree this Fall. She’s going to attend Ball State and her class meets on Monday and Wednesday nights. It will be odd to be back in school mode again. I’m also hoping to take classes now and then to work towards my bachelors. Once she does get back into her school schedule I’ll probably start finding other locations to work from so I can get out of the house. Charlie’s was a pretty regular hangout last spring.

We’re planning to take a trip to Arizona for Thanksgiving this year, which I’m really looking forward to. We haven’t been out there in a couple of years, so I’m really looking forward to visiting with the family out there. I haven’t had the chance to take photos in Arizona since I became interested in photography so I’m also looking forward to traveling around and getting some photos.

Some imagery provided by Unsplash.

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