A whole lotta shakin’ goin on!
- Around the House

Hello everyone! Been quite some time since I wrote last and there’s been a lot going on the last month. All of our projects around the house from my last post have been completed other than the privacy fence and the floor in the kitchen.
The kitchen remodel was a huge success, I’ll be getting some final photos here soon but we’re so excited with the change. Our entire house is now remodeled and every room is exactly the way we want it. The office is by far my favorite improvement. As you can see from the photo on the right it’s a wonderfully warm and inviting yet contemporary room. I haven’t worked in the living room with my notebook once since the room has been finished, I love being in here. The new office was even featured on Unplggd.com!
Work has been fantastic. I had a staggeringly huge first quarter and I’m amazed that I even made it through. Agee Design has been a huge adventure and I’ve grown so much through the experience. I’m so thankful to have a career that I love so much and to be able to work with so many wonderful people. I’m hoping to take a couple of big steps in the next year or so, but I’ll wait and see how things go. More on that later.
Kristen and I are planning a vacation to Sault Ste. Marie Michigan in early June and I’m really looking forward to it. It’ll be another road trip like our trip last summer to Niagara Falls and Alenxandria Bay New York. I’m really looking forward to getting away for a bit and recouping a little.