Sticking my head up for a moment

Sticking my head up for a moment

Feels like it has been forever since I posted last, though looking at my last post about the iPhone I guess it hasn’t really been that long. Either way, I thought that it would be a good time to stick my head out and say hi and update everyone on what I’ve been up to.

2008 has, so far, been my busiest year… EVER. As soon as January 1 hit I started getting more and more work through Agee Design. Partly due to my sponsorship of The Podcast Answer Man and some good word-of-mouth, I’ve been amazed at the amount of new projects that have been coming in this year. At last count I have no fewer than seven projects running concurrently. Thankfully I’ve been very careful to plan the timelines accordingly so this one-man-show can keep up with the flow, but it’s still pretty busy around here and I’m enjoying every minute of it!

Most of my work on these projects takes place in the evenings and weekends. I’ve been spending the majority of my day doing work for my primary client/employer. There’s been some wonderful work going on there as well, a project about six months in the making is getting closer to completion every day.

Speaking of my employer, I’ve been loving the iPhone they purchased for me! It’s quite an amazing gadget and I’m sure it’s going to be even more amazing once Apple opens up this bad boy to 3rd party developers. My only complaint continues to be that AT&T doesn’t have better coverage in this area.

On the photography front things have been quite for some time. I’ve been messing around with trying to restore some deleted masters in Aperture and finally got our photos from our Niagara Falls trip back, what a relief. Hopefully I can get the other photos from the last few years back. If not, no biggie I guess, will just have to start over. More excitingly I received a call from a local organization that is interested in hiring me to take some photos. I’m going to talk with them and may end up purchasing a new lens (Sigma 10-20mm) if the project does indeed happen.

On a side note, since my favorite office away from home Charlie’s has closed I’m looking for a new hangout. Does anyone have any recommendations for a local establishment that offers free WiFi and is locally owned? Didn’t think so…

So there’s a quick update! I’ve been working on a new episode of the Vidcast that I’ll hopefully find time to finish up soon. Hope all is well with you, I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to so feel free to email me so we can catch up or post a comment.

Some imagery provided by Unsplash.

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