Starting a new position

Starting a new position

It’s hard to believe, but after over 6 years as web developer at Summersault I’ve accepted a new position. I appreciate so much the skills and abilities that I’ve gained during my time at Summersault and I will truly miss the day-to-day interaction with my co-workers and friends.

My new position is based in Indianapolis where I will be web developer for I’ll be doing mostly technical HTML and CSS work, which is my bread and butter, and I’ll also be doing some Javascript/AJAX work, which I enjoy a great deal. At least initially I will be working from home most of the time.

It’s a huge change for me and there’s going to be some adjusting that needs done, but it’s going to be a very positive change for us, many new opportunities.

You can read the press release on Summersault’s website.

Some imagery provided by Unsplash.

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