A quick update
- What's new with me?
- Work

Sometimes I beat myself up that I allow so much time to pass, so many life events to happen without documenting them here. Not so much because I want to tell everyone about what’s happening, but mostly because I want to make sure that I don’t forget about the things that God does in my life. So, here’s a little update on what’s been going on.
I’m Engaged!
Not too long after moving to Texas I met Crys. We quickly became friends, then good friends and eventually best friends. She’s an amazing woman who loves God and loves to serve others and she has these Rain Man-like skills when it comes to numbers that is quite impressive, not to mention her card shuffling and dealing abilities which aren’t to be ignored. 🙂 I love being with her and just last weekend I asked her to be my wife, she said yes. God is good, and I’m humbled that he would entrust her into my care. We’re planning to be married on June 1st 2012.
Full Time Job
I’ve been going back and forth about getting a full time job over the last year or two, mostly driven by a desire to get back into a team environment. Late last year after coming to Texas I started praying about wether or not God wanted me to take this step. My hearts desire was to get a job working at Gateway Church so I could be involved in moving the Kingdom forward through this amazing church. Through an amazing set of God-organized events I ended up with a full time contract at Gateway on the web team. Three weeks later I was brought on as a full time employee. I love working at Gateway and I love the people that I work with, but most of all I love serving in a way that directly impacts thousands of lives!