Planning a road trip!

Planning a road trip!

It has been quite some time since Kristen and I took a vacation together. Recently we decided that we were going to take steps towards taking a road trip somewhere early this summer. Well, this weekend we made it official and booked hotel rooms in Boston, MA. We’ve been wanting to visit the New England states for several years so this seemed like a prime opportunity to do so. We’re planning to drive to Boston, stay for a few days and then drive up to Maine. It’s going to be a great time!

We’re going to be staying at the Hotel Commonwealth while we’re in Boston and we’re really looking forward to it. I’ve been using Google Earth to find out what stores/restaurants/attractions are within walking distance of the hotel so we can find things to do without driving around. We are planning to drive around town but I’d like to take advantage of the nearby attractions as much as possible as to avoid the traffic. The hotel is less than a block away from Fenway Park and there just happens to be a home game against San Francisco the day we arrive, that should be fun. 🙂

We’re really looking forward to visiting lots of museums, great seafood restaurants as well as historical sites. I’m sure that my camera will get a workout. We’re planning to leave towards the end of June and we’ll be gone for around a week.

Some imagery provided by Unsplash.

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