Our forever home.
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I’ve always been a nomad. I love to travel and explore. I’ve spent the majority of my adult life moving around from place to place, partially because I LOVE change but if I’m honest with myself the main reason I’ve moved around so much is because it has been a great distraction from the things I’ve felt powerless to change. This last year has been a year of reclaiming power over my life and learning to stand still when all I want to do is run. That healing journey has had a few milestones along the way, the first was learning to find contentment even when my life circumstances are uncomfortable. I learned to be content. The next was learning to stay put in a house and state I don’t love because that’s the best decision. I learned to be content. So when we found the house in Weatherford that seemed to be our dream home and made Texas a place we wouldn’t mind living we jumped on it. And a month later the house is ours!
The back yard has been an oasis already. It’s my favorite place to be. The view overlooking the lake is a dream come true and the dogs are in heaven. The shop, which will eventually be a lounge/man cave is pretty bare but I’ve got big plans for it. When we moved in it had no electricity and just this week that has changed. As part of the project of getting the hot tub hooked up we ended up needing to run power through the shop which means there’s now an electrical panel and a single outlet! I’ve already spent some time out there and it’s quite a major upgrade to the cigar tent!

We’ve also had a couple of ceiling fans replaced that were really old and dirty.
We’ve been exploring the area a little bit as well and getting familiar with the area. I found a great cigar lounge that’s fairly close and we found a great restaurant that’s right on the lake with great food and bingo every week! We’ve already had a handful of nights around the fire pit with family.

I’ve never lived anywhere that felt this much like home. It’s truly the first time I can say that I could imagine staying somewhere forever. Of course no one knows what the future holds but right now that’s the plan, and I’m content!