Get the most out of your Mac with Quicksilver

Personally I’ve always found the Application folder a bad way to open up a particular app. For a long time I had a Favorites folder filled with aliases to my favorite apps that I stored in the dock. At any time I could right-click on the folder and quickly access any app that I use regularly. But now I’ve found a better way!

For the last few months I’ve been using Quicksilver, “a unified, extensible interface for working with applications, contacts, music and other data.â€? I originally downloaded it after I heard how it could simplify some redundant tasks like opening apps, composing emails etc. I’ve never really considered an app launcher very useful but Quicksilver has changed all of that.

You really need to try Quicksilver to see how great it is, but here’s an example of how awesome it is. Let’s say you want to open Firefox. As I have configured Quicksilver I simply press Control+Space to open the Quicksilver search, start typing Firefox and Quicksilver will automatically select Firefox as you type. If you want to start Firefox simply press Enter and it’s launched.

I highly recommend trying it out, you won’t be able to live without it after a short time.

Some imagery provided by Unsplash.

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