Four years and no posts. What’s going on?
- What's new with me?

I’ve been on vacation this last week and one of the things I did with my spare time was work on reviving this blog. It has posts going back nearly 20 years and, for better or worse, I wanted to bring it back and start blogging again. Most of what I’ve shared in the last four years has been on social media but with things as they are I wanted to bring back the blog, even if for a smaller audience.
So, what’s been going on?
We’re Parents!
Liliana Hope Agee was born on July 27 of 2017 and changed our life forever. I was a little nervous about having a baby in the house when we’re both in our late thirties but as you probably guessed it has been incredible. She is coming up on 9 months old (how is this even possible?!?!) and it has been a blur. She’s always done well sleeping through the night and doesn’t cry too much either, so we got off easy I hear.
We’re Homeowners!
In March Crys and I accomplished a goal that we’ve had pretty much since we got married, we bought a house! It probably could have happened sooner but we’ve been so focused on getting out of debt and trying to take care of a few financial responsibilities before we felt ready to buy. We found a house that I fell in love with. it has everything I’ve wanted in a place, pool, hot tub, media room with projector, small yard, every bit of it. We’re no longer debt free, but we love having a place that’s truly ours.
New Job
This month I accepted a position as Senior Front-End Engineer at 10up, an award winning agency with more than a few Webby Awards under its belt. There were several reasons for the job change, one of the biggest was me being able to work from home again, we’re pretty stoked. It meant having to leave my position at Gateway Church, a position I’ve held in one form or another for the last 6 years. It’s sad to leave the team but I know it’s God’s best for me right now and I’m pretty darn excited about the new gig!
Over the last four years my professional interests have shifted quite a bit as well. One of the greatest things about my time at Gateway has been the ability to try different technologies and learn some of the tools I had been wanting to try. During that time I had become convinced that WordPress and JavaScript (especially React and Vuejs) are really where I want to focus my efforts. It’s the kind of work I really want to be doing. 10up is all about that, so it was a great fit.
A lot of moving
In the last four years we’ve lived in 3 different states. Indiana, Arizona and Texas. We’re tired, enough said. We’re living, and planning to stay for at least a few years, in Texas.