Flooring, new guitar in the works

Kristen and I finally bit the bullet and Sunday we went to the Richmond Carpet store and looked at laminate flooring for the living room, hallway and office. We found a color/grain that we really liked and scheduled a time the following day for the installers to come and measure the rooms so we could get a quote on what the cost would be. We’re supposed to hear back from them today to find out what it’s going to cost. Hopefully it won’t be too expensive because it would be a wonderful improvement to our house.
In other news I’ve all but decided that I’m going to have a guitar liquidation so I can build a more solid collection over time. I’m planning to sell (or trade-in rather) my Gibson Explorer (if you knew the story as to how I acquired it in the first place, you’d know what a big deal this is for me) as well as my Squire strat and combine what I get from those with my Christmas money to try and buy an American Fender Strat. I’ve been pouring over online reviews to try and find out which model I should get but I believe that I’ll mostly leave that decision up to my hands when I get into the music store. I can’t wait! I haven’t been guitar shopping since about the time I got my drivers license so this will be fun!
I’ve been gearing up for an extended vacation for the holidays and I’m really looking forward to having the time to get some things done. It’s those things that get put off over and over again that I’m looking forward to cramming into a day or two of pure productivity. I’m also hoping to step up my photography time a little bit and get back on track with my Flickr account. I’ve only added a few pictures over the last couple of months and that needs to change.
Another significant bit of news is that my brother-in-law Jamie has finally started a blog! You can read his well-written, personal blog at Recent Stuff from Jamie’s Life. He has just recently graduated from college, gotten engaged and started looking for a job.