Film project and other news
- What's new with me?
As I mentioned in my last past, I got a new digital camera for Christmas. Since then I’ve been having lots of fun with it and even added a new, more user-friendly version of the photo gallery to this site. I’ve been taking pictures of everything that I can think of and pretty much carrying my camera around with me wherever I go. It’s awesome. I’ve also started creating short films with my camera, which brings me to “The Unwelcome Guest“.
The Unwelcome Guest is a very short film that I created last weekend with my brother-in-law. It was basically an experiment to see what type of video we could create using my camera and I was very pleased to say the least. To read more about that project, read The Unwelcome Guest in Items of Interest.
In other news I bought a home theatre system! I’ve got a receiver and two LARGE home speakers, but they’re huge and they don’t produce 5.1 audio, which is a must for home theatre. The home theatre I purchased was the Panasonic SC-HT670 and it’s features are awesome, among other things it’s a 5-disk DVD/CD/MP3 player. It should be here this week and I cant wait to set it up. I bought it using my leftover Christmas money.

I don’t believe there’s much else new on my end.