Agee Design is Live!

Agee Design is Live!

Agee Design logo finalI’m happy to announce that the Agee Design website V.1 is now live and ready for visitors! I’m very, very proud of the site, as it’s one of the best examples of my work to date. There are all sorts of cool technologies and methodologies at work. You can visit the site at

The work, however, is not quote finished. I’ve still got to design and develop the portfolio section. I’m still playing around with ideas for that, and should make a decision soon. I’ll also be adding more information to the services section to beef that up a bit.

As I mentioned in an earlier vidcast, I don’t plan on doing any heavy marketing anytime soon, just want to take some steps to getting the word out there. A few new projects here and there would be fun.

So, take a look and let me know what you think! Doesn’t it feel like the warm sun is shining in your face? 🙂

Some imagery provided by Unsplash.

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